A stack of stones on a white background.Meditation can be thought of as:

  • A cognitive process, where techniques are used to achieve a clear and calm emotional state.
  • An approach of training the mind, which involves maintaining your attention on a single object or thought.

Meditation practice: 

  • Helps you improve your understanding of self.
  • Positively transforms your thoughts and feelings.
  • Clears your mind and improves your mental focus.
  • Helps you release attachment to outcomes and things.
  • Reduces feelings such as stress, frustration, impatience.
  • Has a cumulative positive effect on your emotional state.

When meditating, you should: 

  • Make more time for you, by taking time to meditate. 5 minutes every day is better than 20 minutes now and again.
  • Sit comfortably but upright. If on a chair, your feet should be flat on the ground and your back straight.
  • Release any tension in your back and shoulders, keeping your shoulders level.
  • Allow your tongue to touch the back of your upper teeth, this helps prevent your mouth from becoming dry.
  • Tip your head forward slightly, with your eyes half open, gazing along the top of your nose. This position helps to keep your mind calm.
  • Allow yourself to breathe naturally and become aware of thoughts and distractions as they enter your mind. With your out-breath, breathe these away and imagine them vanishing into space.
  • As you breathe in, imagine white light from source entering in and filling you full of love and light.
  • Continue, while breathing in love and light, and breathing out all negativity and any unwanted thoughts.
  • Conclude when it feels right, or your time is finished, or continue with a further technique.

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